
Precept and Budget

Every year in December, Hordle Parish Council agrees its budget and sets its ‘precept’ for the forthcoming year at a meeting of the Full Council. The precept is the element of the Council Tax which is raised and spent by Hordle Parish Council to fund the services it provides. As a Parish Council it does not receive any funding from Central Government, nor does it receive any rates from local businesses.  The Precept for 2024-25 has been set at £172,000 which equates to £70.66 per year for a Band D property. Click on the budget report below to see how this money will be spent.

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Community Infrastructure Levey (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge which can be levied by local authorities on new developments in their constituencies to help them deliver the infrastructure provision needed to support these areas. In accordance with Regulations 59A and 59B of the Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019, New Forest District Council, as the local authority, must pay 15% of the levy collected to the relevant Parish Council.

Hordle Parish Council must use the receipts passed to it by New Forest District Council to support the development of the parish council’s area by funding the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure. Regulation 121B requires a Parish Council to prepare an annual report for any financial year in which it receives CIL receipts.

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Payments over £500

The Local Government Transparency Code (May 2016) holds that it is recommended practice for Parish Councils to publish information relating to individual items of expenditure exceeding £500 (including VAT) on a quarterly basis. This information will be published following the end of each quarter, a maximum of one month after the quarter to which it relates.

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