Planning Process Flowchart

The Planning Process

Hordle Parish Council plays an important role in commenting on planning applications in the parish. Parish comments are then reported back to relevant the planning authority – either New Forest District Council or the National Park Authority for a decision to be made.

Applications are heard at the monthly Parish Council meetings and the public is invited to attend and can speak for up to 3 minutes on an application on the agenda.

The agenda is published 3 clear days in advance of the meeting.

View our Agendas.

If you would like to attend a Parish Council meeting to speak on an agenda item please contact the Parish Office.

The role of the Parish Council in the planning process – a detailed guide.

Village Design Statement

Hordle Parish Council completed a Village Design Statement.

The Village Design Statement is part of Planning Policy and plays an important role in the planning process.  Planning applications must take account of the information within it and adhere to its principles and the Parish Council plays a key role ensuring this.  See the guide to the planning process above.


Local Plan

Ss8 Local Plan Site Map

New Forest District Council and the New Forest National Park Authority have both produced a Local Plan in response to Central Government requirements.  Details of the plans:

New Forest National Park Authority

New Forest District Council

Hordle Parish has 2 strategic sites allocated to it by NFDC:

SS8 – Land of Hordle Lane 

October 2024 –  Amended plans have been submitted by Bargate Homes for outline permission for 155 homes and the Alternative Natural Green Space (ANRG) on the SS8 site off Hordle Lane.

This application will be discussed at the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 19th November at 7.15pm at Hordle Pavilion, Vaggs Lane. Everyone is welcome.
Please note the deadline for public comments is 31st October – please comment directly to NFDC (not this post as it will not count) and view the plans: https://planning.newforest.gov.uk/…/applicationDetails…
or you can email: planning@nfdc.gov.uk (reference 23/10661)

December 2023 – Bargate Homes has submitted revised plans to NFDC.  The application was discussed at the Parish Council meeting on 19th December at which the Council unanimously vote to object to the proposals.  The full comment submitted to NFDC.

View the plans and comment directly to NFDC

June 2023 – outline planning application submitted by Bargate Homes for 155 homes, ANRG, allotments and access.  Application Details

The Parish Council’s response

This site also has 1 refused application associated with it, full details, including the Parish Council’s response.

May 2023 – Bargate launched a public consultation on this site.

The Parish Council’s response to this consultation.

SS9 – Cottagers Lane

April 2024 – Grosvenor Capital is consulting on plans for 9 homes on this site.  Details of the scheme and how to comment.  Grosvenor plan to submit a planning application to NFDC later this year.

SS9 – Land of Everton Road

This application has been approved by NFDC.  Full details with the Parish Council’s response can be found here: 21/11731 | Residential development of site for 97 dwellings, open space, Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace (ANRG), vehicular access via Everton Road | SS9: LAND EAST OF, EVERTON ROAD, HORDLE (NB: PROPOSED LEGAL AGREEMENT) (newforest.gov.uk)

Gravel Extraction Yeatton Farm Hordle

In addition, Hampshire County Council has, in January 2023, consulted on it’s revised Minerals and Waste Plan.  This includes a potential site for gravel extraction at Yeatton Farm, off Hordle Lane.  More details, including the Parish Council’s response

Update December 2023:  The landowner has removed the site from this process.  A revised consultation will be launched in January 2024 for the remaining sites which include Angel Lane in Barton-on-Sea.

Planning Resources & Links

Click on the links below: