

THE Greening Campaign is up and running in Tiptoe, Hordle and Everton (T.H.E).

This is a grassroots community initiative, with people and groups from all sections of our villages taking part.

The Greening Campaign is a blueprint for community action on Climate Change which brings expert support to a programme of activities, such as from the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust.   It is funded by the National Lottery and supported by Hordle Parish Council, Hordle Eco Church and Hampshire County Council. We will be following in the footsteps of over 200 other communities in Hampshire!  (See greening-campaign.org) Our aim is to introduce this hugely successful campaign to Tiptoe, Hordle and Everton.

The Tiptoe, Hordle and Everton Greening Campaign got off to a flying start on Tuesday 30th April, with over 60 people attending a public meeting at Hordle Pavilion to find out about the campaign.

A competition was run across the schools in the parish and prizes were presented to children from Hordle Primary School who contributed either a poem or piece of artwork, highlighting the issue of climate change.

This Phase 1 public meeting focused on things that we can all do at home to save money, reduce carbon emissions, care for our health and help nature and will be delivered on a card to homes soon.

Every household is invited to take actions.  Together, by encouraging each other along the way to make our community and environment more sustainable.



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Cycle of the Seed

Food security is a big issue in the UK and we all need to act, but sometimes we do not really know how.  This is a fun and inclusive programme that will increase food growing whilst opening discussions around food security and how we can improve it.

This pillar will help you learn about growing food, cooking with the plants, reducing the amount of food we waste, and then composting what is left to use as a base for growing the next round of food.

It will also teach you about soil health and how that benefits so many aspects of a changing climate as well as our food production.

A Thermal Image Of A House Processed Through Thermal Imagers

Energy efficient warmer homes

Energy prices have risen and the need to reduce CO2 output to support the mitigation of climate change is now urgent. This programme will lend our community some Thermal Imaging Cameras and give us training in their use. You can then take images of homes and ‘see’ where the heat is leaking out. We will be supported to understand the images and also provide an online information event where we will be given support to plug the gaps and understand any of the grants available.

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Health Impacts of Climate Change

We know that there will be serious implications for our health and wellbeing as the Climate Changes. We need to make ourselves aware of, and understand those implications and become more resilient.

It’s easy to bury our heads in the sand but opening conversations, sharing our hopes and concerns is the starting point to raising awareness and feeling we’re not alone and can do things to help – baby steps. Our community will develop activities and events that will help us explore, express and understand the road ahead. People of all ages are experiencing ‘Climate Anxiety”.

When we talk, we support each other, and when we are active we feel we are facing the problems – thus the barriers begin to break down and we can begin to identify ways to become more resilient.

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Space for Nature

Increasing biodiversity and capturing carbon through nature is of vital importance, and communities are best placed to improve both.

The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust will work with us to map our community, whilst understanding what valuable habitats we already have. We will then put together a plan to create new habitats, link habitats with corridors, and improve existing habitats. School playgrounds can be used, disused areas, verges, window boxes – whatever our community there is an opportunity to support and encourage nature to thrive.

This Pillar has activities for all ages, and it doesn’t matter if you have absolutely no experience of wild spaces, there are plenty of adventures to take part in.

People are finding out what already lives in their wild spaces, and it can be such an eye-opening exercise to learn what rare species are living beside us, or what habitat you can help create. It can be public spaces, community owned spaces, council owned, privately owned, and most effective of all are our own back gardens!

Don’t forget how being in Spaces for Nature can support conversation, mental health, keeping cool in the summer, and simple connections with a wild environment can make us relax and feel calmer – or put another way, it starts to fill us with joy.

Waste Sign

Waste Prevention

This programme will encourage our community to prevent waste.  Rather than recycling waste, this Pillar focusses on how we actually stop waste occurring in the first place.

The Hampshire County Council Waste Prevention Team are supporting the Greening Campaign to deliver this programme to 20 communities in Hampshire.

When we look at the waste hierarchy we begin to understand the difference between actions to deal with waste that has already been generated, and actions which prevent it from occurring in the first place.  The activities you will undertake will support your community in making changes in a fun and interactive way and will include training of two volunteers from the Hampshire County Council Waste Prevention Team.

The Greening Campaign will support us to set up some activities such as Nappy Libraries, or Repair Cafes.

A comprehensive list of locations where you can recycle all sorts of things from ice cream tubs to electricals (list compiled by Hordle Eco Church project).

You can also book a slot at Efford Tip where lots of other things can be safely recycled and disposed of.  Details on Efford Tip

For details of household waste collections and recycling in the clear sacks.

Greening Events

Big Rake Pic

Space for Nature events

Please can YOU help with THE BIG STRIM and THE BIG RAKE in our Churchyards from 9.30am…..

All Saints Hordle:

Strim: Wed 25th September,   Rake: Wed  2nd October

Please bring/borrow a Strimmer and bring your own rake

REFRESHMENTS will be provided




Responds to referrals seeking to provide Acts of Responsive Kindness to people in need through: provision of second-hand furniture, white goods, household items and soft furnishings.


At Hope HQ families and individuals who face poverty and disadvantage can choose their own clothing. Families and individuals are referred to us through professional agencies. (Acts 9:36)

Inclusive community

We help people find value, self worth and potential employment by: a providing a safe welcoming place and a listening ear. a giving opportunities to serve: • offering practical help and support with additional needs.


Volunteers: • are needed to offer practical help, encourage and mentor; • assist with callections of donations and deliveries; a help by sorting through and preparing donations at Hope HQ This also provides the opportunity to lear new skills and work alongside athers. All clients are considered by referral and volunteers by application. Deliveries are usually within a 25 mile radius of Ringweod, Hants We aim to build ‘Koinonia’ (community) and encourage all people to serve and share together. We help towards sustainable living by reducing, reusing and recycling domestic items.

Repair Cafe

Repair Cafe

All at St Saviours Church Hall

  • Saturday 20th April
  • Saturday 20th July
  • Saturday 12th October


Help us reduce the number of items going to landfill and help yourself by continuing to use your things.

Have you got something that just needs a minor repair to keep it in use? Maybe a frayed button hole but you don’t know how to mend it? A small electrical item that needs a new switch? A kitchen tool that needs it’s handle mended?